The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Weekly Newspaper

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Number 500

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Andrew Volstead

The young Congressman Volstead

The old Congressman Volstead

Andrew Volstead (1859-1947) was a Republican member of the United States Congress from 1902-1922. Volstead is sometimes called the "Father of Prohibition", a title which better fits Neal Dow of Portland, Maine who campaigned successfully for Prohibition in the early 1800s. Volstead was not even a diehard Prohibitionist ("Dry"). He was simply the person who introduced a bill to Congress which provided the means to enforce the Prohibition of "the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors" as called for by the 18th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution (1919).

On March 26, 1926 Time magazine featured Senator Volstead on the cover. The article inside was entitled "Myth" and was an in depth look at the Senator. To read this fascinating story, go to

Next: References

Andrew Volstead
The Facts
Schuchardt's Patent
Demley & More
Flauder Patent
Bridgewater Patent
Syroco - Old Codger
Openers Plus
Death of a Puppet
Kirby Conclusion
The Drys

News Index

©2008 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum