The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Weekly Newspaper

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Number 500

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Openers Plus

The Halvorsen Patent of June 21, 1932 is the earliest "Mr. Dry" related bottle opener design I found. I have not seen the bottle opener itself. The patent was assigned to the Sterling Die Casting Co. of Brooklyn, New York.

A wall mounted bottle opener cast by the Wilton Company of Columbia, Pennsylvania well after Prohibition in the 1950s. It is called "Mr. Dry". (photo courtesy of John Stanley).

Crudely cast figures. One has a corkscrew on the back end and the other is just a bottle cap lifter (mouth).

This figure is a take off on the sculpture "The End of the Trail". It is a bottle opener (umbrella handle) and it is marked COPYRIGHT 1933, PROHIBITION, THE END OF THE TRAIL.

Just as a point of interest, I am including another camel. This was U. S. Design Patent Number 69,235 issued to Everett Irving Rogers, Jr. of Providence, Rhode Island on January 12, 1926 (the middle of the Prohibition period). Although the patent depicts only a bottle cap lifter, it has been found with a corkscrew. Two variations are shown below.

Next: Death of a Puppet

Andrew Volstead
The Facts
Schuchardt's Patent
Demley & More
Flauder Patent
Bridgewater Patent
Syroco - Old Codger
Openers Plus
Death of a Puppet
Kirby Conclusion
The Drys

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©2008 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum