The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Weekly Newspaper

Sunday, September 10, 2006

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News Index

Dining with Jean

Quebec, Canada - Gourmet Jean Grignon keeps the perfect napkins ready for corkscrew collecting visitors. He pulls out a pack of one of these when serving wine and hors d'oeuvre before dining:


The Swedish firm Bull's Presstjänst applied for a British patent for "An Improved Corkscrew and Stand" on April 28, 1937. Most collectors are familiar with the Popeye corkscrew with the Bull's mark on the bottom (see April 28, 2003 issue). Apparently the firm also produced a corkscrew in the form of another cartoon character. This one was Kronblom.

Swedish collector Buster Bernston tells us "He is a lazy man spending most of his days on the sofa in the kitchen. His wife tries to get him to go and chop some wood or to do all sort of things but he is always trying to sneak away to take a nap."

Elov Persson created Kronblom in 1927. He drew the comics from 1927 until 1968.

News Index

©2006 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum