The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Occasional Newspaper

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

News Index

Another Mystery Solved

Ancaster, Ontario, Canada - Ron MacLean writes:

The new Corkscrew Patents of Japan book has enabled me to identify a corkscrew (p36 1910) that I previously thought was possibly German not Japanese.

The handle is marked EMPIRE PAT NO. 16758 with a shaft spring, cast steel caplifter bell fitted with a forged web helix.

Now I know Empire referred to the Empire of Japan not Germany! My Empire is pictured below left along with another similar but smaller corkscrew with the handle underside marked JAPAN. The drawing for Japanese Patent 16758 from 1910 is on the right.

For book details see:

News Index

©2004 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum