The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Weekly Newspaper

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Number 572

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All the Right Moves

Editor's note: Please allow time for the music (30mb) to load - you don't want to miss what the Scandinavians sang: "Den Gamla Korkskruven". In addition there are many photos to load.

On August 26, 2009 members and guests of the International Correspondence of Corkscrew Addicts (ICCA) boarded the M. V. Eltham for dinner and dancing on London's Thames River. In addition to ambitious dancing to CDs spun by a DJ, the addicts were entertained by the Scandinavian singing group pictured above. From left to right are Anne Solheim, Helgir Solheim, Lis Arnbjerg, Anne-Lise Køhler, Martin Jessen, and Jens Arnbjerg.

Many addicts unknowingly entered the Bull-Luterman first annual dance contest. Winners can be found at the end of this page.

Danish couple Jens and Lis Arnbjerg

Jack Bandy and Kirsten Händel

Reinhold Berndt with Sonja

Klaus and Barbara Biermann

Bob and Nancy Kimball

Dick and June Clark

Bert Giulian and Barbara Ellis

Wolfgang Händel with Kirsten (left) and Bonnie Bull (right)

Wolfgang Händel with Sue Hunter (left) and Anne-Lise Køhler (right)

Wolfgang Händel and Mariet Peters

Ian and Sue Hunter

Right Fred Kincaid and Jackie

Right Fred Kincaid with Anne Solheim (left) and Sheila Luterman (left)

Martin Jessen and Anne-Lise Køhler

Josef and Sue L'Africain

Tom Lawrence with Anne-Lise Køhler (left) and Barbara Ellis (right)

Paul Lenzinger and Sonja

Howard and Sheila Luterman

John and Martha Morris

Joe and Monika Paradi

Helgir andAnne Solheim

Barry and Marty Taylor

Guy Vankeerberghen and Hilde Dumon

Don Bull and Anne Solheim

and the winners are......

Tom Lawence and Sonja

Resting and watching

Too much wine!

Apologies to all dancers the camera missed!!!

News Index

©2009 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum