The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Weekly Newspaper

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Number 561

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The Practical Dentist

Editor's Note: This appeared in the 1890 publication The Practical Dentist published by C. W. Munson


Do you wish to extract bad roots painlessly ? Being aware that the key is unpopular and the forceps in favor, I have never met a dental advocate of the corkscrew. A middle-aged woman requested me to remove three deep and painful roots from highly inflamed gums. I extracted the two easier with the forceps, when, leaping from the chair, the patient relieved her mind thus: "I caan't an' I shaant! I might's well go 'ome'n die, as ter die 'ere. I 'a'n't slep' fer three weeks, 'n I'm erbout onsoddered."

"I am going to remove that root, so you'll go home happy and sleep."

"Wall, yer can't wi' them pinchers. Carn't yer pull itwi' a corkscrew ? " " O! yes, easily." "

Then, dropping the forceps down my coat sleeve, I feigned to adjust the corkscrew to the root, which I extracted with the forceps without a sign of pain. The forceps again entered my sleeve, and, when turning from the spittoon, she saw me camly viewing the root on the corkscrew, the halo of happiness on that woman's iace ought to have been contagious, as she exclaimed : " Yer couldn't 'ave got it wi' the pinchers, could ye? It never hurt me one mite."

Moral—That woman evidently regarded the corkscrew as an instrument designed to give pleasure—an instrument dear to her soul, and the last she saw ere leaving home. Verily, the ways of men (and women) are astonishing.

Another Time Piece

Submitted by Jean Grignon

Bosse Hearts

Wayne Meadows had several responses regarding the black cat corkscrew pictured in the May 31 issue which was helpful for his research for his new book on Austrian figural corkscrews. He has come up with two Bosse hearts, one black and one brass. They come marked and unmarked. Wayne would like to hear from collectors who have either version and how they are marked. Email

Martha Washington Inn

The Bulls noted this quotation while dining at the Martha Washington Inn in Abingdon, Virginia recently:

"Here’s to the corkscrew – a useful key to unlock the storehouse of wit, the treasure of laughter, the front door of fellowship and the gate of pleasant folly.” .

From Waes Hael by Edithe Lea Chase and W.E.P. French

Figural Corkscrews

Coming late June 2009. Click here: Figural Corkscrews

News Index

©2009 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum