The Weekly ScrewThe Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Weekly Newspaper |
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 |
Number 541 |
2009 Watney Award Winners Announced
The first meeting of the International Correspondence of Corkscrew Addicts (ICCA) was organized at the Guinness Brewery in London in 1974 by Bernard Watney. In attendance at the first AGM were Addicts Babbidge, Bingham, Dennis, Ekman, MacDonald, DeSanctis, Phillips, Stark, and Watney. In the minutes of the sixth AGM held at the Guinness Brewery on September 26, 1979, this is reported: "Amidst the cheers of assembled Addicts, Dr. Watney assumed the honorary title of 'Start Right,' in recognition of his status as the founder of our little band. "
Bernard Watney coauthored the first important contribution to the World of Corkscrews in 1981 with Homer Babbidge, that book is the classic Corkscrews for Collectors.. Bernard passed away September 28, 1998. This award is given in memory of Bernard.
The Bernard Watney Award is sponsored and funded by Mavis Watney (Mrs. Bernard Watney)
Purpose of Award: To recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the World of Corkscrews. The award is not limited to members of corkscrew collecting organizations.
Selection Committee: Honorary Chairperson Mavis Watney, the ICCA Right, the ICCA active member ex-Rights, and the ICCA Chief Correspondent.
Nominations for award: Any person either affiliated or non-affiliated with corkscrew collecting organizations may submit nominations.
Information: The websites of Joe Paradi and Don Bull will include information about the award, links for submission of nominations, and a list of award recipients with a list of their achievements. Corkscrew club newsletters editors will be solicited to publish this information in their newsletters.
Number of Awards: Each recipient will receive one award for their work or works. The published list will include all contributions for each recipient with year noted for publications and the year of the award. In the event the recipient makes further contributions, those contributions will be added to the list.
Books - Published books dedicated to corkscrews and some where the corkscrew is prominent but not the whole subject
Papers - Published papers dedicated to corkscrews which expand the corkscrew knowledge base
Newsletters - Editors who have compiled and published newsletters over a long period time
Articles - Generally articles in newsletters and on websites are not considered unless they have been published as stand-alone papers
Websites - Websites which have content of historical and informational value to the Corkscrew World
Museums - Museums open to the public with a wide range of corkscrews displayed with information about the corkscrews
Other - The committee will consider all nominations for the Bernard Watney Award for outstanding contributions to the World of Corkscrews including but not limited to organization of meetings, exhibitions, presentations, inventions, and extraordinary accomplishments
The committee has made selections for the 2009 award. Nominations for the 2010 award may be emailed to Mirth-Right Bull or Right Kincaid. Deadline for 2010 nominations is August 15, 2009. The committee will meet during the 2009 ICCA AGM to select the 2010 recipients.
Announcement of 2009 Winners
The Right, ex-Rights, and the Chief Correspondent of the International Correspondence of Corkscrew Addicts and Mavis Watney are pleased to announce the 2009 recipients of the Bernard Watney ICCA Founder Award for important contributions to the World of Corkscrews.
In this, the first year of the award, we honor the authors of the many books which have contributed to our knowledge base. In the coming years, we look forward to the further works from this group of authors as well as new authors. We are currently accepting nominations in other categories outlined above.
The first awards will be presented in London on Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 3PM (1500) by Mrs. Watney. The ceremony will be held in the Edinburgh Suite of the Thistle Marble Arch Hotel. All interested parties are invited to attend. The ceremony immediately follows the closing of the annual meeting of the CCCC and precedes the beginning of the annual meeting of the ICCA.
Here is the list of the authors and their books:
Name Title Type Published Year of Award Babbidge, Homer* Corkscrew for Collectors Book 1981 2009 Berndt, Reinhold Federzungen Book 2002 2009 Berntson, Buster* Scandinavian Corkscrews Book 1994 2009 Bertazzo, Ottilia Munaretti L'Art dei Cavatappi Book 2009 Bidault, Gérard Les Fabriques Français de Tire-Bouchon 1820 - 1970 Book 2000 2009 Bidault, Gérard Les Brevets de Tire-Bouchons Français 1847-1968 Book 2005 2009 Bidault, Gérard Les Tire-Bouchons Français Book 2005 2009 Bull, Donald Beer Advertising Openers - A Pictorial Guide Book 1978 2009 Bull, Donald A Price Guide to Beer Advertising Openers and Corkscrews Book 1981 2009 Bull, Donald The Ultimate Corkscrew Book Book 1999 2009 Bull, Donald Bull's Pocket Guide to Corkscrews Book 1999 2009 Bull, Donald Beer Advertising: Knives, Letter Openers, etc. Book 2000 2009 Bull, Donald Boxes Full of Corkscrews Book 2001 2009 Bull, Donald Corkscrew Patents of Japan Book 2004 2009 Bull, Donald Cork Ejectors Book 2004 2009 Bull, Donald Corkscrew Stories Volume 1 & 2 Books 2004 2009 Bull, Donald The Perfect Extractor Book 2005 2009 Bull, Donald* Just for Openers Book 1999 2009 Bull, Donald* Soda Advertising Openers Book 2000 2009 Bull, Donald* Anri Woodcarvings Book 2001 2009 Butler, Robin The Book of Wine Antiques Book 1986 2009 Coldicott, Peter A Guide to Collecting Corkscrews Book 1994 2009 De Sanctis, Paolo* I Cavatappi Book 1988 2009 De Sanctis, Paolo* The Corkscrew a Thing of Beauty Book 1990 2009 De Sanctis, Paolo* Le Collezioni Cavatappi Book 1993 2009 D'Errico, Nicholas American Corkscrew Patents 1921-1992 Book 1993 2009 Dippel, Horst Korkenzieher Book 1988 2009 Doornkaat, Heinz ten Deutsche Korkenzieher Patente Book 1991 2009 Ekman, Per* Scandinavian Corkscrews Book 1994 2009 Ekman, Per* Scandinavian Corkscrew Patents Book 2004 2009 Ellis, Barbara* Corkscrews: British Registered Designs Book 2007 2009 Ellis, Frank* Corkscrews: British Registered Designs Book 2007 2009 Fantoni, Maurizio* I Cavatappi Book 1988 2009 Fantoni, Maurizio* The Corkscrew a Thing of Beauty Book 1990 2009 Fantoni, Maurizio* Le Collezioni Cavatappi Book 1993 2009 Giulian, Bertrand Corkscrews of the Eighteenth Century Book 1995 2009 Giulian, Bertrand* History of Pocket Corkscrews and Pocketknives Book 2006 2009 Händel, Wolfgang Korkenzieher Patente Book 1991 2009 Heckmann, Manfred Korkenzieher Book 1979 2009 Hoefer, Peter Österreichische Korkenzieherpatente 1882-1980 Book 2009 Hohn, Heinz Dreko Drehteile und Korkenzieher Book 2000 2009 Hutchinson, Francis (British) Patents for Inventions Book 1983 2009 Køhler, Anne-Lise French Corkscrew Patents Found in Denmark Book 2003 2009 Køhler, Anne-Lise* Scandinavian Corkscrew Patents Book 2004 2009 Leigh, James Ron Corkscrews: Some Hisotry, Some Technology Book 2007 2009 MacLean, Ron Canadian Corkscrew Patents Book 1985 2009 MacLean, Ron* William Rockwell Clough, 2004 Book 2004 2009 Meadows, Wayne Compendium of Bar Corkscrews Book 2001 2009 Nugent, Robert* William Rockwell Clough Book 2004 2009 O'Leary, Fred Corkscrews: 1000 Patented Ways to Open a Bottle Book 1996 2009 Olive, Guy Tire Bouchons Français Brevets 1828-1974 Book 1995 2009 Paradi, Joe French Corkscrew Patents Book 1988 2009 Paradi, Joe Hungarian Corkscrew Patents & Registered Designs Book 2007 2009 Paradi, Monika Cookbook for Corkscrew Collectors Book 1991 2009 Perry, Evan Corkscrews and Bottle Openers Book 1980 2009 Peters, Ferd German Corkscrew Patents and Registrations Book 1997 2009 Peters, Ferd Mechanical Corkscrews, Their Evolution, actions, and patents Book 1999 2009 Peters, Ferd German Corkscrew Patents, D.R.P. 1877-2000 Book 2002 2009 Peters, Ferd German Corkscrew Registrations, D.R.G.M. 1891-2000 Book 2002 2009 Peters, Ferd* History of Pocket Corkscrews and Pocketknives Book 2006 2009 Pumpenmeier, Klaus Deutscher Gebrauchmusterschutz for Korkenzieher Book 1997 2009 Rains, Philly* Anri Woodcarvings Book 2001 2009 Roger, Robert A Guide to Gimlets Book 2003 2009 Roger, Robert Patented Ice Reducing Tools Book 2007 2009 Shaub, Paul Guide to American Corkscrew Patents, V. 1 & 2 Book 1978 2009 Solheim, Helgir* Scandinavian Corkscrew Patents Book 2004 2009 Stanley, John* Soda Advertising Openers Book 2000 2009 Stanley, John* Just for Openers Book 1999 2009 Türler, Hajo Swiss Corkscrew Patents Book 2002 2009 Wallis, Fretcher British Corkscrew Patents from 1795 Book 1997 2009 Watney, Bernard* Corkscrews for Collectors Book 1981 2009 *Co-Author
Note some of the awards are posthumous and will be presented to next of kin or friends.
©2009 Don Bull, Editor |