The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper
Tuesday, September 2, 2003 |
Got Chickens?
Wirtz, Virginia - Fifteen years ago, the United States National Chicken Council started a chicken promotional campaign. With the popularity of barbecuing, chicken sales increase during the summer months and, traditionally decrease during the fall. Working with the Poultry and Egg Association, the Council created National Chicken Month and as a result September sales increased by sixty percent.
In order to make sure our readers do not feel left out, The Daily Screw staff went on a chicken hunt through the corkscrew archives. We turned up seven of them. Readers are encouraged to submit their chicken corkscrew pictures for other September issues.
Rainbow Corkscrew Spinner
Houston, Texas - An ebay seller is offering "a brand new RAINBOW colored double cork screw spinner. This is a great way to add color to your yard.
The cork screw measures 60" long. That's 5 feet of swirling rainbow action. I have one of these hanging in my yard and it is so nice to look at!"
Wirtz, Virginia - Having spotted this unusual ebay listing, The Daily Screw crack research team decided to take a further look on the Internet. The team found them offered with this description:
"No more subtle hints to that stud across the street when he sees this beautiful Rainbow Spinner twisting proudly in your yard or under the eaves. When hanging from its upper grommet, the spinner extends about five feet; if you secure the bottom grommet, you can expand the spinner to a length of about seven feet. This well-constructed nylon spinner will make a proud statement not only during your local Gay Pride Festival but the whole year round. No more hiding in the closet -- the bright and vibrant rainbow of colors will show that neighborhood stud you're out and proud. If you're lucky, maybe he'll be raising something up his flagpole for you!"
The Daily Screw will not be entering a bid for the spinner!
©2003 Don Bull, Editor |