The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Saturday, November 29, 2003

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Wirtz, Virginia - We found a few more gimlet postcards in The Daily Screw archives:

Saco, Maine, March 4, 1915 - Nell mailed this card to Lois A. Clough, Biddeford, Maine. Her brief message was "Dear Lois, Where are you under the sod? Why don't you write or come & see us? Love, Nell.

And what about the "Ish Ka Bibble" on the face of the postcard? A Yiddish song "Isch Ka Bibble" (I Should Worry) was a song sung by a singer in Kay Keyser's orchestra. His name was Merwyn Bogue and he was nicknamed Ish Kabibble.

Hastings, Nebraska, June 30, 1912 - Katie mailed this card to Charles Bryant, Deweese, Nebraska. Her message was "Hello Chas., Why won't you ans. my card? Arthur is here and I am glad of it. I thought maybe you had forgotten me. Ans. soon. Katie."

Was she trying to make Charles jealous of Arthur so he would respond? Did he indeed want to forget her?

Buena Vista, Colorado, July 26, 1912 - Bill mailed this card to Fred Russell in Colorado Springs. His message was brief: "Howdy, Be sure and don't slip in the mud near a bridge, Bill."

Contact Bob Roger about his new book A Guide to Gimlets:

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©2003 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum