The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper
Friday, May 16, 2003 |
May Flowers
Letter to the Editor
Canadian Girl Guides
I refer to the "Guiding Girls" article in the May 12 issue. Here is a picture of the Official Knife of the Canadian Girl Guides. The Canadian Girl Guides also started in 1910 and are still going strong. Their Official Girl Guides Knife has a master blade, a can opener/caplifter, square ream and a wire helix corkscrew. The knife was made by Johnson Works, Sheffield. One brass scale is marked Official Knife Canadian Girl Guides with a Be Prepared logo above a maple leaf encircled beaver and other side is RD. No. 717020 for 1925. Both blade tangs are marked Johnson Western Works, Sheffield.
Ron MacLean, Canada
What is this?
The answer will appear in tomorrow's The Daily Screw.
©2003 Don Bull, Editor |