The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper
Monday, March 24, 2003 |
Glendale, California - Michael Sharp reports that security at Southern California airports is very tight. Airport Security is now doing thorough xrays as expressed above to ferret out any dangerous corkscrews and breakable bottles glasses which could be used as weapons. According to the Transportation Security Adminstration, corkscrews can be taken aboard in carryon luggage per its list published November 2002.
Daily Screw reader Ishai Nir points out that an April 2002 expressly forbid corkscrews to be brought aboard airplanes. So some airport security may be operating under the earlier bulletin. Ishai says "So this frequently leads to confusion. I just flew back from Oregon, and had no problems bringing three nice older corkscrews I had found in a local antique shop on board. But I have also recently been forced to put corkscrews in my checked bag. By the way, I was just in the Copenhagen airport two weeks ago, where one can buy beautiful corkscrews in shops located after one passes security, and take them right on board. So much for consistency around the world."
Academy Awards Award
Hollywood, California - To Academy Award winner Michael Moore for your acceptance speech the evening of March 23, 2003:
Michael - Click here for a message
What are these?
(submitted by Alf Erickson)
The Answers will be seen in tomorrow's Daily Screw.
©2003 Don Bull, Editor |