The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper
Wednesday, July 9, 2003 |
More Bull
Pamplona, Spain - The Running of the Bulls continued today.
Cork Sizer And?
Fort Lauderdale, Florida - Alf Erickson posed this What's It? on his website:
I do have an idea of what part of this machine does; but, I don't know the rest of it. Part of it is a cork squeezer ... a fairly common device of the last century: a device that squished fresh corks so that they could be more easily jammed into new bottles: think homemade wine. But, what about the orifice? What goes up there and what happens to it once it is there? And what is the purpose of the screw-off lip? The clamp at the bottom is for mounting on a bar on bench.
Alf's readers have yet to come up with an answer and he wonders if any readers of The Daily Screw can solve this mystery?
©2003 Don Bull, Editor |