The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Saturday, February 22, 2003

News Index

Baltimore, Maryland, Feb 22, 1944 - John Henry Miller has a newly patented corkscrew. The Baltimore resident was granted U. S. Patent 2,342,156 today for his "Stopper Extractor" Miller first patented the corkscrew in England (1943) and has also applied for a Canadian patent.

The double action corkscrew is produced in Brighton, England by John Bagwell-Purefoy in a factory in Little Preston Street. The corkscrew was named after his daughter Valezina who said, "He called me after the silver washed fritilitey butterfly female version Valezina. At that time there was only one other person of that name,the natualist Frobel's daughter,whom he asked if he could call me after. Since then my niece has the name and possibly now a few other people as well."

The Valezina is produced in blue, red, silver, and gold finishes.

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The Answer will be seen in tomorrow's Daily Screw.

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News Index

©2003 Don Bull, Editor

The Virtual Corkscrew Museum