The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper
Friday, December 5, 2003 |
Christmas Shopping
Wirtz, Virginia - For the past three days our catalog shoppers have been exploring the 1947 Bar Mart catalog for corkscrews. The Bar Mart was a mailorder firm at 62 West 45th St., New York City. During the late 1940s and 1950s their catalogs offered a wide range of home bars and bar accessories. Bobbie Ganger, Executive Director, reminds catalog recipients, "We're conveniently located at 45th Street. Just a few blocks from Radio City, Grand Central and Times Square."
Now we take a peek at the offerings of another 1947 catalog. This one is from The Game Room, 1538 Connecticut Avenue, Washington 8, D. C. The Game Room gives this admonition for buyers: "If you've ever had to execute one of those COD forms, you'll undersntad why we prefer that your check or money order accompany your letter. COD shipments are more expensive for you, and inconvenient for both of us."
Remember the Bar Boy "handy five-in-one appliance" offered in the 1947 Bar Mart catalog and featured in yesterday's The Daily Screw? Count the uses in the Game Room copy above...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The tools are exactly the same, but Game Room bested Bar Mart by one use.
What'll it be? Five or Six?
Our shopping adventure will continue...
©2003 Don Bull, Editor |