The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Sunday, August 31, 2003

News Index

Goodbye August

Wirtz, Virginia - August is golf month and during the month we featured many golf related corkscrews. Several readers have asked for a special edition showing them all together. We are pleased to present our pictorial golf review:

And the winner is:

Letter to the Editor

The Saturday Mystery

I spent the greater part of the day searching the Internet and looking in my own library in an attempt to solve the mystery of the Erickson Bread Corkscrews. I found Alf Erickson's follow-up comment about Loaves and Wine. Yep, they go together. I thought perhaps they gave a corkscrew to every breadwinner in the state of Wisconsin (home of Erickson Bread). But that didn't make sense. Those folks are beer drinkers. I made a mental note to watch for beer can openers advertising Erickson Bread. Further digging turned up nothing just like Alf's answer in yesterday's edition of The Daily Screw.

Finally, I took a close look at the August golf corkscrew at the bottom of The Saturday Mystery issue, and there was the answer staring me in the face - in the top right corner of the package.

Reginald Phillips, London, England

Reginald ... We are pleased that you were able to solve the mystery and share it with our readers ... Editor

News Index

©2003 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum