The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Saturday, August 23, 2003

News Index

Born 1919, Died ?

Stratford, Connecticut, August 23, 1932 - Horace M. Bridgewater has a bit of a morbid attitude in his bar tool creation. He has taken the Prohibition figure cartooned by Rollin Kirby in Vanity Fair magazine and made him into a "Combination Bottle Opener and Dispensing Apparatus." The fellow is packaged in a 6 1/2" long casket and includes a corkscrew hat, a jigger midsection and a cap lifter leg/foot with bottle corker.

Bridgewater has received United States Design Patent Number 87,618 and assigned it to the Artistic Bronze Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Inside the casket, we find this poem:

Poor Mr. Prohibition's licked -
We've got him on his back!
He's trying hard to make amends
Before he's in "the sack".

Let's look him over just for fun
He may be used at that!
There's nothing in that head of his -
He's "screwy" in the hat!

His stomach now is changed a bit -
It measures out the rye
A "Jigger-ful" each time it's used!
Say! He's a useful guy!

He kicks off caps with utmost ease
We've got his cork in spirit!
And when he passes on, dear friend -
We Know that we can "Beer-it"!

August is Golf Month

News Index

©2003 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum