The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Friday, August 8, 2003

News Index

Take Friday Off - Play Golf

Wirtz, Virginia - August is National Golf Month

Special Feature

My First Screw by Jessica Hope Fowler

I don't actually collect corkscrews for a hobby but I buy them for my bar decor. About six years ago, I spotted Walter, the Syroco bartender corkscrew, in a display case at a junk store. Sitting next to Walter was the little bartender. I asked the price... $25 each. With not much leftover money at the time, I bought Walter because it was the more interesting of the two. Four weeks later when I again visited this junk shop, the bartender was still there. I paid $20 for him.

Back in the 1970s to early 1980s I worked at the Flea Market. I found that, while it is conceivable for one person to collect ALL of one particular antique group, of say pottery, I would rather enjoy a few examples of a lot of different antiques. I also like miniature stuff.. so I can pack a lot in a small space. My favorite collection is one of about 40 different kinds of match box holders

The Syroco Waiter (left front) chats with some of his friends.

News Index

©2003 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum