The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, April 9, 2003

News Index

Forecast: More Showers

Wirtz, Virginia - Keep your umbrella handy. There's more rain coming.

Pulitzer Prizes

New York, New York - Pulitzer Prizes were awarded on Monday. The Boston Globe won for public service for "courageous comprehensive coverage" in its disclosures of sexual abuse by priests in the Roman Catholic church. When presented the award, the Pulitzer committee said of the Globe "courageous comprehensive coverage of sexual abuse by priests, an effort that pierced secrecy, stirred local national and international reaction and produced changes in the Roman Catholic Church."

Clifford J. Levy of The New York Times won the investigative reporting prize for a series on the abuse of mentally ill adults in New York State-regulated homes.

The Wall Street Journal staff won for explanatory reporting for a series of stories on corporate scandals in America. The judges called the work "clear, concise and comprehensive stories" that brought to light "the roots, significance and impact of corporate scandals in America."

The Daily Screw staff waited anxiously as a number of other annual awards were presented by New York's Columbia University. The $7,500 cash prize would go nicely in the corkscrew coffers. And the gold medal could be incorporated into a corkscrew design. Alas, we were sad to report that The Daily Screw was not included in this year's list. However, we were pleased to learn of another award:

Pullitzer Prize

Winchester, Massachusetts - I sit here listening to Singing in the Rain, courtesy of The Daily Screw, writing to nominate you for the PULLitzer Prize for inventive and essential journalism. BRAVO! ... Mel Rodman

What is this?

The Answer will appear in tomorrow's edition of The Daily Screw.

News Index

©2003 Don Bull, Editor


The Virtual Corkscrew Museum