The Virtual Corkscrew Museum's Daily Newspaper
Tuesday, April 8, 2003 |
Tujunga, California, April 8, 1986 - Over on Estaban Street, Garry Henshaw has been working on a new bottle opener. Today United States Patent Number 4,580,303 was issued to him. Garry already has a German Design Registration for this from April 7, 1984.
Garry says "At times there have been attempts of combining different types of bottle opener within a single unit. However, in the past, these attempts have resulted in non-attractive appearing devices that are cumbersome to use. Also, none of these attempt have ever combined an opener for both corked and capped bottles which can also serve to reseal both types of bottles."
Garry has succeeded in designing the combination cap lifter, corkscrew and bottle resealer. His design includes a clear plastic sheath so the worm will be visible.
Wirtz, Virginia - Editor's note: The Henshaw patent on the left above is marked PATENT ITALY on the bottom of the clear plastic sheath. On the right is a later example with this on the package: "Travel Corkscrew, VIA, bar necessities stock number 5197016, made in China." On reverse: "Copyright 1999 B. Via International Housewares, Inc., Distributed by B. Via International Housewares, Inc., Franklin Park, IL 60131. Product design: ANCONA 2. Packaging graphics: TULINO Design Inc. Made and printed in China."
Letter to the Editor
Swimming with Gators
Naples, Florida - I know that many of your readers have suffered a long winter and have dreams of moving South to Florida. I thought I should share our experience with you as new homeowners in Naples. We have been fighting off mosquitos and fire ants and now we have encountered an even greater danger.
My husband, Doug, has what appears to be a major construction project going on our dock. Sunday we stood on the dock and watched the 6 or 7 foot neighborhood alligator making his usual 4:30 PM. round Then suddenly the expense of the dock project went up about $300 in a matter of seconds as Doug dropped his good watch into 8 feet of water (high tide) as he reached for a board. While he ran to a neighbors to see what he could borrow to reach the bottom, I watched the alligator circle back this way. Doug put a very long handle on a borrowed tool and tried to retrieve the watch to no avail. Fortunately, a couple we have known for some time dropped by and we all sat on our lanai and watched the gator circling the docks. Finally Doug and a couple of the neighbors went down to try again to retrieve the watch--they were a little shocked to find the gator floating under our dock. When the gator stayed near by and continued to circle, Doug said goodbye to his watch and came to terms with the fact it is gone forever.
Helen McCullough, a worried wife.
Editor: Helen, fortunately, the only alligators around these parts are trained to open wine bottles.
Yesterday's "What is this? answer:
©2003 Don Bull, Editor |