by Donald A. Bull & Joseph C. Paradi
Don & Joe, Let me see. What could I possibly add about "Champagne Collectibles" that hasn't already been said by others. After all, what could top bravo, fantastic, remarkable, great, amazing, wonderful, outstanding, beautiful, fabulous, lovely, spectacular, thorough, informative, breath taking, stunning, best seller, enjoyable, exhaustive, awesome, incredible, superb, the gold standard and even WOW. So, rather than racking my brain and scouring the dictionary and thesaurus for yet another superlative, I think I'll just say, "I SIMPLY LOVED IT"!!!!Jack Bandy, California.
Dear Don and Joe, Yesterday I received your Champagne book. I am overwhelmed! As the book has such an incredible amount of items I followed the forewords of my friend Wolfgang Händel and caught a bottle of Dom Perignon - this book adequately a Magnum 1982 ! I enjoyed every drop and every page!. With this book you have done both your masterpiece. Not only the huge amount of items but also the amazing concept and the fabulous illustrations make this book to a really Bible for all entusiasts and I am sure the number will increase! substantially! Cheers! Karl-Heinz Humpert, Germany.
It is said that "you won't die on a day that you learned something new". I won't die for a while after reviewing the Champangne Collectibles. I learned an awful lot. I never knew so much information was available about Champagne. Congratulations are in order, to both of you on a tremendous effort and making it available to us. Al Haché Canada.
Dear Don and Joe, I have just received your "Champagne Collectibles". It is a sparkling book. You cannot help reading and admiring its brilliant pages from start to finish. Reiterating Hand Right Händel foreword, we should all celebrate, enjoying our favourite bubbly. Congratulations to you both, my friends. Bernard Masson, England.
Hello Don. I was like a kid with a new toy . Today Aug.8th I recieved your book and boy oh boy what a fabulous book.It will no doubt be the defintive book on Champagne collectables for years to come.As a collector this is a beautiful bound printed book with quality pages and great photos. Congratulations to you and Joe for a job well done, thank you, Paul Squires Calgary Alberta, Canada.
Hi Don, I received the Champagne Book today. What great read. You and Joe have done an amaziing job!!! I had no idea so many taps existed,as I guess from reading you and Joe discovered the same thing. Worth every penny!! Thanks a lot. Noel Tarling, Canada.
BRAVO et félicitations pour ce superbe livre complet ,précis et très diversifié sur le thème du champagne.Luc Bille, Belgium.
To Don and Joe. This book should not be judged by the cover-it needs to be opened and enjoyed! This book is monumental and a veritable archive of the wonderful world of "CHAMPAGNE COLLECTIBLES". I commend you for doing this book and reaching out to other collectors who submitted photos from their collections. It has given all corkscrew and wine related collectors an opportunity to see a broad array of art, tools, and ephemera relating to champagne. I initially bought two copies of the book, one to give as a gift. I was so impressed I purchased a third for another friend who loves wine. This is truly one of the best books I have seen on collectibles. I hope every Champagne house and sparkling producer will have a copy on display for visitors to their vineyards to enjoy. Tom Kijek, Connecticut, USA.
A fantastic book, you could almost call it an encyclopedia for all those interested in Champagne Collectibles. This book will definitely also reach people outside the corkscrew world and it will be interesting how this may influence corkscrew collecting. Helgir G. Solheim, Norway.
Don & Joe, I received the books today, thank you very much. Congratulations, it is a book which will be a reference about Champagne. Your work is remarkable. Guy Olive, France.
I received the book in Monday's mail. I said to myself, "Betcha he doesn't have Lawrence Welk in there!" But you did (P 75)! Great book! Of course, I had to pump iron to lift it! Bill Baab, Georgia.
I received the Champagne Book today. What great read. You have done an amaziing job!!! I had no idea so many taps existed, as I guess from reading you and Joe discovered the same thing. Worth every penny!! Noel Tarling, Canada.
We received your wonderful book yesterday. It is simply the best illustrated and informative book on wine related collectibles. It is fantastic. We have been sharing it with family and friends already, and they are amazed, as we are, with the breadth of champagne collectibles. We had no idea there were champagne related fans! They are quite amazing. You and Joe did an outstanding job and should be very proud of your result. Thank you both for all your time and research to make such a useful and beautiful book. It makes one want to starting focusing on and collecting the many champagne related items!! Our addiction to wine related antiques has just increased exponentially...No point in rehab for us :-) Many thanks! John and Martha Morris, Tennessee, USA.
What a great book! I congratulate both of you to this superb work. It is amazing, how many things have been brought together thanks of your good connections to the great collectors of the whole world, especially, no wonder on this special subject, to our French collector-friends. What I appreciated most, is that you present the Champagne-world not only with the eyes of a corkscrew collector, but in such a great global way. The chapter on the Champagne-tools is a (nearly) complete repertory of amazing objects from the beginning with the famous Rever in 1828 up to last gimmicks of today. Every collector will find usefull information on his objects. But Part 1 on Champagne related advertising objects opened an absolute new world to me. I never would have imagined, that there are so many beautiful things left from the belle époque! Many thanks again for that important contribution to the corkscrew-world. Hajo Türler, France.
Congratulations on the book! It is absolutely beautiful, well organized, and an amazing resource. I can hear corks popping around the world at the release of Champagne Collectibles, which should prove to be the gold standard in this category to which all other guides will be compared! Lisa Sundberg, California.
I have received your book in good condition. Thanks!!! As usual a crazy book with special information. I have enjoyed about it very much. I collect everything about wine or drink. I would like it if you write another book about wine related items. Now there are only a few books of it. Joke van Kleinwee, Netherlands.
Another really great book! High quality, very well organized, a lot of fabulous illustrations and a very instructive text: enjoyable and interesting reading. Armando Cecconi, Italy.
The book arrived today. It is brilliant!!! The best you have ever done. It takes my breath away. The graphics real life! I am at a loss for words. Alf Erickson, Thailand
Best book yet! I couldn't put it down until I had read every word and looked at every picture. The only problem with the book is its weight (5 ½ pounds)! Wow big and Lovely. Michael Sharp, Callifornia, USA
Have spent last 2 days with your new book, it is spectacular and here is my comment: Don Bull and Joe Paradi, two giants among corkscrew enthusiasts, have uncorked another hit with "Champagne Collectibles". Not only is it the most thorough and informative digest of champagne memorabilia including easers, nippers and grippers ever written, the beautiful photos and presentation make it a perfect coffee-table book that will intrigue your guests. Perhaps they will become helxophiles! Dick Clark, Denver, Colorado, USA
Don : Champagne Collectibles : OUTSTANDING; Simply outstanding. You And Joe are to be complemented for producing what I believe should be a required addition to every corkscrew collector's library. Willie R. Barnes, California, USA
Hi Don, What a wonderful addition to Corkscrew Ephemera. The photography is absolutely stunning! Your time, skill and patience have once again produced a volume that perfectly bridges the Coffee Table/Niche Collecting divide. There is something for everyone between its covers and as such I would predict it has the potential to become another bestseller! Upon receiving the (expertly packed) volume, I literally could not put it down! Even my initial cursory browsing consumed two hours of my day! Congratulations to you and Joe. Ron MacLean, Canada
I got the book today (July 23). Congratulations - this is very nice work, good layout, great chapters and a lot of interesting stuff. Bjørn Berger, Norway
I have just received the new book (July 23). Many thanks. The book is really enjoyable. Great. Andy Breitenmoser, Switzerland
I received the book on wednesday July the 20th. Thank you both of you for an excellent job. Once I was told by a great collector that one of the main things you have to do, if you are interested in collecting, is to read and get all the information you can on the subject of your interest. Otherwise, like he said to me, you will miss lots of opportunities for not knowing enough about your subject of interest. I realized, while going through your book, how limited my knowledge was in this particular field of collectibles related to corkscrew collecting and how much it will now improve both my knowledge and my interest in this matter. As a matter of fact, I'm sure you have opened a new field of interest for many collectors.Michel Desrosiers, Canada
First, let me congratulate you on producing an absolutely fantastic book about Champagne collectibles. I picked it up this morning at the post office. I've been glued to its pages for about an hour or so, and will return to it again soon. Amazing rarities from many collections! So many things I have not seen before. Thanks for such a terrific enterprise. Dean Walters, California, USA
A beautifully photographed book of ephemera and rare one of a kind champagne items. It is without a doubt the future bible of champagne collectibles in the years to come. A massive exhaustive tome that the serious collector "must have" for reference. Carroll Johnson, Kansas, USA
Don Bull and Joe Paradi have produced a Champagne masterpiece. Every imaginable champagne collectible is pictured described and priced. Congratulations on a superb book. It must have for any advertising collector as many different areas of collecting are in the book from corkscrews to knives to cigar collectibles to paper advertising pieces. Thank you again for another awesome book. John Stanley, North Carolina, USA
Congratulations Don & Joe on the publishing of book Champagne Collectibles. I am sure that both of you have aroused many sleeping dogs amongst the Corkscrew Enthusiasts. I am not a Champagne (drinker), but prefer a good Cremant de Bourgogne myself! Nevertheless I am amazed at what you have both got together. I am pleased especially about the chapters Mercier, Just a few more, Corkscrews, all three Knives chapters, Nippers & Grippers and Taps & Syphon Stands. I am sure a new Sector has been created, even for the most stubborn Corkscrew Collector. Well done, many thanks for a wonderful reference book. Paul Robins, Germany
I have to sincerely thank you for sharing with us, through your great book, all your time, passion, and effort on Champagne collectibles as you always do every time you publish a book. Congratulations! Rafael Vivanco, Spain
Today (July 22) I received your new book Champagne Collectibles. Very well done, nice lay out, good pictures, and an incredible amount of items. I love the champagne items, but also the chapters with items I don't collect are very interesting. Ferd Peters, Netherlands
Got it today (July 18) - very nice - do I send you the bill for the chiropractor (heavy book - 5 ½ pounds!)? Fred Kincaid, Vermont, USA
Got it today (July 18) not enough. Super effort. Larry Gralla, Nevada, USA
I watched the video previews and thought they were terrific. I received the book and I think it is absolutely spectacular. Terry Miller, Virginia, USA
Just received the book (July 16) and it looks great. Pat Cunningham, Georgia, USA
I got it (July 16) and it looks great. Mike Mastrangelo, Pennsylvania, USA
Champagne Collectibles features:
- 336 oversize (9" x 12") pages
- Hardcover
- 1250+ color and b/w images
- 1900+ items pictured
- Value Guide
- Published 2011
- $79.99*