
A Rare Investment Opportunity

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Recently, I sent this email message to several financial wizards:

"As I was sitting and watching Smith Mountain Lake today from my office window, I had an idea. A good humor boat!

On weekends hundreds of people go out on their docks to swim, boat, fish, sun, and sit. I think I can purchase a nice fishing boat in Peru that would be outfitted with refrigeration. I could then stock it with Good Humor Ice Cream Bars and float by all of the 500 miles of shoreline docks every weekend playing Good Humor music and drumming up tons of business. I might even be able to expand into pizzas and hot dogs. A McDonalds franchise could even be a possibility.

I know the whole concept could be franchised worldwide. Lake Victoria, Lake Mead, Lake Baikal would be prospects. Maybe even the Chesapeake Bay. Then rivers and oceans."

The response was overwhelming:

What a great idea!!! Perfect for an IPO (Initial Public Offering).

Sell wine, videos, party hats, lingerie, beer, fishing tackle, bikinis...and rent videos.

I want to invest now!

Where shall I send my check?

With this kind of encouragement, how could I help but go ahead with the idea? I can motor around Smith Mountain Lake during the summer. In winter I will then take my boat to the Caribbean, pull up alongside cruise ships and sell wooden carvings to tourists.

As you read this, I am sure the wheels are turning in your heads and you are already dreaming up new ideas for making megabucks at sea. Before you go too far, remember that I am making this offering to only a select group and bear in mind that I have already taking steps to protect Wavmart through international copyrights and patents. This will include the ideas listed above and future plans including but not limited to:

What does this all mean to you?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime ground floor opportunity for you to invest in a company which will, no doubt, become one of the leading growth stocks of the 21st Century: Wavemart

The more you invest, the more you secure your financial future.

How can you invest?

Stock: There will be an initial issue of 20000 shares of stock. 10001 shares will be retained by the officers (Captain & First Mate) with 9999 shares becoming immediately available to you, the wise investor. Please advise how many shares you want, and I will let you know the price.

Your Own Business: Big investors will be considered for some prime future Wavemart locations. At present, available locations include Baltic Sea, Indian Ocean, Caspian Sea, Bonneville-Utah, Dead Sea, Panama Canal and the 10000 lakes of Minnesota. Rapid expansion of Wavemart will make more opportunities available quickly. In order to secure a prime location, act now!

A word of advice (as your friend): Think about all the great opportunities you have let slip through your fingers in the past. Look at your future. Look where you want to be in the 21st Century. Think about being a Wavemart stockholder before the coming IPO (under stock symbol "SCRWU"). Financial Independence can be yours - act now!

I look forward to receiving your indications of interest real soon.


Donald A. Bull




The fine print: Kelic dleeka leekkeldic allad elldiiiideeld wlaqoecocp eox. Qwye you will be screwed aleoc. Eidow xox oalcoie eicgehwk hakemke. Ulecale cleoacl ealco lpqembn cm cmei ciicic. Wciej ckeuzke and lose all of your money. Tealeoc eladlco elea you will be bankrupt cnbmzlx xoxw. Hqoe cocclleal coclexp qwc, eaile aleocea htyepc apielc. Nocle cle and probably you'll lose your home too wicle. Hjeje lecocke aloel.

Disclaimer: Any resemblance of anything on this webpage to other known symbols or ideas is purely coincidental. Investors must be of sound mind and understand that this whole offering may be a hoax.

©2000 Donald A. Bull